Spider Pencil Toppers


Here’s a fun simple spider pencil topper craft for you and your littles to make together.  It would be great for a Fall or Halloween craft.


All you need is:

  • 1″ Styrofoam craft balls 
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Googly eyes
  • Glue 
  • A Pencil 



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When I went to the Dollar Store they had the perfect little craft packets to make these with.  Each packet had pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and the perfect sized Styrofoam balls inside.  So all I needed otherwise was the glue and pencils!   Each packet had enough materials to make multiple spider toppers. 







Educational Opportunity:

Make a trip to your local library and take out some books about spiders.  Maybe they can pick one out and try to make their spider look the same. 

For the kindergarten or preschool years the book The Very Busy Spider, by Eric Carle, is a great choice. The spider is greeted by different farm animals throughout the story but the little spider is too busy to stop and talk. The animal sounds and texture on the pages are sure to keep your little one engaged, and the repetition makes the book predictable and fun. 

If your children are a bit older you could consider reading Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White, together. It’s such a beautiful classic. 

Taking time to look for spiders on a hike, or you know, in the basement 😉, is also a must.





I found a website called Studdyladder, that offers a number of great free resources, including this spider anatomy sheet shown above and even a spider hunt worksheet!      

They have resources for all ages, and a premium option which offers a ton of other services, tutorials etc… I haven’t yet thoroughly explored it yet though. 

If you click the photo it will take you to their spider resource page. 





Step 1:  Take a sharpened pencil, press and twist it into the Styrofoam ball to make the hole so it can be a pencil topper. 


Step 2:  Colour your Styrofoam ball with Sharpie markers, or paint if you prefer. 






Step 3:  Using a sharp pencil, make 8 punctures around the base of the ball for the legs.  


Step 4:  Cut the pipe cleaners into 2″ pieces and insert one with some glue dotted onto the end into each puncture you made for the legs. I love our glue gun, but school glue would work well for this craft.  


Step 5:  Bend the legs and have fun with your new little spider friend!








They’re lots of fun to play with, or throw at your sisters 😆. 


If you had fun with this, check out this awesome giant dancing spider we made the other week!  You’ll find the same educational resources on that post as well. 






Check it below!  


Big Dancing Spider Craft


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