Roasted Broccoli, Bacon, and Turmeric Rice Wraps


This is a favorite of mine.  Bacon gives it a delicious boost of flavor, but I’d say the roasted broccoli takes the spotlight.  Adding such great texture and juiciness into the mix.  It also gets those greens on the menu. 


Turmeric adds that brilliant yellow color to the rice along with curcumin which is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is a very strong antioxidant.  


Its filling, hearty, delicious and easy to throw together. 



Roasting the Broccoli

Spread the broccoli out on a cookie sheet, sprinkle with olive oil and salt and cook at 350 degrees for approximately 20 – 30 minutes, tossing periodically. When cooked to perfection the edges should be speckled with charred roasted goodness.  The broccoli gets so sweet and delicious prepared this way.  My children lovingly call it ‘burnt broccoli’.  Despite what the name may lead you to believe, they all enjoy it cooked this way.  








Preparing the Turmeric rice 

My family prefers Basmati Rice for texture and flavor.  If you have a rice cooker great!  If not, no worries, I  never use one. Rice is not complicated and all you need to do is literally combine all the ingredients into the pot, bring to a boil, then lower the heat, cover and let cook.  Some say no peeking, but I always stir it a couple times throughout the cooking process. 

We use vegan margarine in the rice instead of butter but you can use whatever your family uses. 







Picky Eaters 

One of the nice things about supers like this, is there are lots of choices to stack up your plate with.

A couple of my kids aren’t fans of wraps. But they still ended up with a plate full of hearty food. Rice, bacon, tomatoes, broccoli.  There is something for everyone. 








The first time I made these I ate them just with the rice, broccoli and bacon and I loved them then.  But the second time around we added some toppings and it made them even better and more customizable!  

Hot sauce, lettuce and tomatoes on Dad’s. Extra broccoli, lettuce and tomatoes on mine. So colorful fun and delicious. 


Bacon, Broccoli and Turmeric Rice Wraps

A healthy, hearty wrap that you can top with just about anything!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Servings 6 people


  • 1 head broccoli
  • 1 pack bacon
  • 1 cups basmati rice
  • 1 pack tortilla wraps
  • 2 tbs vegan margarine, olive oil or butter
  • 3/4 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp onion powder
  • 2 cups water
  • lettuce, tomatoes, hot sauce, olives - anything you like!


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cut the broccoli into bite size pieces and spread onto a 9x13 baking dish. Sprinkle with a generous amount of olive oil and bake for 20-25 minutes. Tossing periodically until it's barely cooked through and the edges are nice and crisp.
  • While the broccoli is roasting, cook the bacon however you prefer. I just cut mine in half, throw it all into a large pot and cook over medium-high heat until crispy, scraping the bottom and tossing the bacon often. Drain off the fat and set aside.
  • After you have gotten the bacon started, measure and combine the 2 cups of water, margarine, spices, and grated the garlic into it. Bring the mixture to a boil. Add the rice. Cover. Lower the heat, and cook, stirring periodically until the water is all absorbed and the rice is finished.
  • Throw it all on the table and let your family create their own mouth-watering wrap! Enjoy!


Did you like this recipe?   I have some other great original recipes.  


Ever tried cottage roll, and cottage roll broth? Probably not, I’ve never seen a recipe for it myself. But I strive to waste nothing and cottage roll broth makes AMAZING soups. Flavorful and salty.  Give it a try! 


How to Make a Simple, Delicious Cottage Roll and Broth in the Crockpot



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