What You Need to Get Started


Crochet is a fantastic hobby.  So much to explore and learn.  Maybe your teen needs something to occupy their time. Crochet is great hobby to introduce to them to, some start younger and are ready then, but teens would definitely be able to learn and sometimes could use the distraction. Maybe you’re newly retired, or just need a break!   Crochet is definitely a relaxing and rewarding choice.


So what’s the first thing I recommend to get started? 


“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
― Ernest Hemingway


First off, I recommend getting the book A to Z of Crochet.  This book taught me how to crochet. They have great step-by-step written instructions with pictures. There is the knitting version as well.  My mother bought me these books when I was 20 and I am forever grateful. 


Some of us are fortunate enough to have a family member who will devote their time to us and teach us to knit or crochet. My awesome mom taught me to knit when I was a teenager bless her sweet heart. But maybe this is your own personal endeavor, or no one is readily available to teach you. The internet is full of great resources and I hope I can help by directing you to some great materials to get you started.  



I always appreciate a physical book. It’s not hard on the eyes like a glaring screen. And I prefer a good photo tutorial over a video any day. Stop-Start, Stop-Start. Trying to go back and replay a video over and over to figure something out is infuriating at times! A good old book, I can just lay it open and there it stays for me to see as long as I please. And it’s a physical resource you can pass down to your children as well. 


Here are some of the other basic tools you’ll want to acquire to get started learning to crochet. I’ve provided everything you need via link here. A good hook set, yarn, scissors. 


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That hook set comes with some stitch markers, darning needles, tape measure, cutting tool, stitch counter and a nice case. It comes with hook sizes 2mm being the smallest to  8mm, the largest. This is ideal for someone starting to crochet. 5mm is the hook your generally recommended to use for the average yarn. Thinner yarns, the smaller the hook you’ll require, bulkier yarns, the larger the hook. 8mm is a commonly recommended size for a bulky yarn so this kit gives a nice range of hook sizes. These hooks are ergonomic to boot. A great value.  

This would be an excellent gift set for someone. You could request that it be gift-wrapped during the checkout process and send it on it’s way. I would LOVE to get something like that on my doorstep!!! 


What type of yarn should I get to learn with? 





I recommend a middle of the road acrylic yarn to learn with which is what I linked to above. When I was young and ambitious to get started I went out and bought some interesting fuzzy yarn and was quite discouraged when I couldn’t tell what stitch was where… so blanket yarns, or fuzzy yarns maybe hold off on for a little bit until you become more accustomed with the look of the stitches etc. Acrylic yarns also have a bit of ‘stretch’ or give to it which can make learning a bit easier.  


If you want to start with a dishcloth mind you, you’ll need to go with some 100% cotton. Cotton has antibacterial properties and is absorbent, unlike acrylic. The first link below is for a 6 pack of fun colors, and the other has a ton of color options for individual balls.   


The only other thing you require is some scissors. Which many of you no doubt already have but I linked them anyways just in case. You never know. 





That’s it! The book gives excellent instruction on learning how to tie on, chain, and all your basic stitches. All you need after getting these goodies is a comfy seat and a hot drink. 


If you look along the right side of this page you should find a link to the Cute Little Crochet Facebook Group. It’s a great place to share your work or patterns, ask questions or admire others creations. I’d love for you to join us! 


Lastly, sign up to my newsletter! You’ll get discounts, find out when I release new patterns and more. Below in the comments section you can click the ‘Yes, add me to your mailing list.’ Or you can find the JOIN THE CLUB link on the right side of the page. 


Happy Crocheting!



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  1. Melanie

    this is so great Alicia!!!!! love this so much!!!!

    1. Alicia

      Thank you so much! I hope it’s helpful ❤.

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